Friday, October 10, 2008

Hidden in secret planning for livestock in the area of "best design"

Architects Sarah Featherstone and Jeremy Young have designed a beautiful second home for them that takes full advantage of its location near water Pontfaen, a small Welsh village.

The home of 500,000 pounds were granted permission, despite their delicate situation in rural areas, for Powys County Council, which said it was "the best design in the region has ever seen."

Featherstone said: "We will fight these age difference for our customers, but for us it is incredibly easy. It's extraordinary."

Riverside buildings must be at least 7 meters from the river, so that the couple has designed the lounge at odds over water. A high court which extends from the living, kitchen and dining room overlooking the garden surrounding the river and the countryside.

223sq m building has a main section with a first floor two bedrooms and added a bedroom wing with three bedrooms buried on the hillside, designed for a wide range of uses.

Featherstone said: "The house has five bedrooms, but it is more about the areas that can make things different.

"This could be a part of the house, it will eventually be a family home, and we are also willing to rent for vacation."

The modern design, with its long tail of the Welsh, the use of traditional local slate and stone cladding, with a hybrid of wood and steel structure. Sustainable features include grass roofs, solar panels, a hot wood chips and recycled gray water system.

Davies RJ architect is responsible for its construction. Work on the project began in May and be completed in April next year.

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