Thursday, November 20, 2008

Architecture PLB had designed the Brighton International School

PLB International School of Architecture of Brighton is an ecological model

PLB designed the architecture of Brighton International School, which offers students academic preparation courses in the city of New England redevelopment quarter, Aris said Minton. With ambitious environmental goals set by a city known for its progressive attitude, the goal was to create a functioning of the city and revitalize an area of the center-once again dominated by its link to the main train station.

The limitations of a site less than 40m in width and 150 meters long have been transformed into an opportunity, with the school's internal long street "linking its various international communities to provide care and communication.

In tandem with this link, Architecture PLB, Plincke Landscape and Brighton City Council’s ecologist worked to create a green thread running through the site. A series of green walls, courtyards planted with trees and green roofs provide carefully interconnected habitats, linking the nature conservation area to the north with city greening to the south.

The majority of the design is in exposed flat slab concrete, helping with energy conservation. External walls offer high insulation with a finish of ceramic tiles and white Sto render. With its large basic forms and colourful reveals to the street, the school responds to the industrial structures and locomotive works of the site’s heritage, and the bright tones of the locality’s fishing boats, huts and seascape.

The school not only strengthens the area’s natural ecology but connects the New England Quarter, the Laines and the London Road quarter, helping integrate an important part of the city.

“We wanted to apply concerns of environment, ecology and sustainability in their widest possible sense, and to build a proper urban school”, says Rupert Cook of Architecture PLB, the project’s director.

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