Fontana building has been neglected since it was built, and the time has not healed the wounds. It changed what people think of the new development, especially in the neighborhoods.
Transamerica Pyramid, on the other hand, it is equally ridiculous to aesthetics, and was a member of the dreaded "manhattanization" of the SF which led to an annual ceiling on development imposed in the 80s. However, over time, the pyramid has become an icon of SF, and is very popular today.
Frankly, I'm not sure there are Rincon. I do not like its design, and for me it is much too large to be the "thin tower" that the promised Rincon Hill. He learned some lessons from Vancouver that makes a mockery of the ideas that were supposed to be behind the Rincon Hill. It's so big, so big, so omnipresent, and so damn near the bridge that can not be avoided in the viewscape. But I must confess, a part of me when I have strong feelings around a corner somewhere in the city, and suddenly, that's all.