Saturday, October 4, 2008

New York said work on Ground Zero memorial on the road opening for 2011

Work on the Freedom Tower, and Foster, Rogers, Maki towers elsewhere on the site well ahead of schedule

Architect Michael Arad's memorial to the victims of 9 / 11 at the Ground Zero site will open in time for the tenth anniversary of the World Trade Center attack in 2011, according to the authorities in New York.

Issuing its long-awaited report on the revised timetable for the reconstruction project yesterday (Thursday), the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey also said David Child "One World Trade Center, called the Freedom Tower, would be completed in 2013 at a cost of $ 3.1 million, about three times the original estimate.

The port has also revealed that Santiago Calatrava to design the transport center has been simplified in order to see completed in 2013 or early 2014.

The Port Authority, which was paying the developer Larry Silverstein $ 300,000 per day in penalties for the land they had promised to surrender, said the report would be a "new level of security and control" of the complexity of the 'reconstruction effort .

Also under the new timetable, Snohetta museum's underground element of the report will be completed in 2013, and the new Greenwich Street - the gateway to Foster & Partners' Tower 2, Rogers, Stirka port and partners, Round 3 And Fumihiko Maki of Tower 4 - to be completed in 2012, before the Port Authority had planned for several years.

Port Authority Chairman Anthony Coscia, said: "We have made substantial progress in rebuilding the World Trade Center since he assumed direct responsibility for construction in September 2006, and now through the agency of hard work, we are confident and control over the complex project. "

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